05 December 2014

Garner death causes fresh protests

The BBC has an article about the widespread protests over the death of Eric Garner:
Protests have been held for a second night over the death of a black man held in an apparent chokehold by a white New York City police officer.
Thousands of people took to the streets in New York City and other cities, disrupting traffic and holding sit-ins. The protests began on Wednesday, after a grand jury decided not to press charges over the death of Eric Garner.
Civil rights activists are pinning their hopes on a federal investigation into the case.
New York City mayor Bill de Blasio said that: "People need to know that black lives and brown lives matter as much as white lives." He said the city's twenty-thousand-strong police force would be retrained in how to better communicate and remain calm when making arrests, and they will be fitted with body cameras.
President Barack Obama welcomed the mayor's commitment to act, adding: "Too many Americans feel deep unfairness when it comes to the gap between our professed ideals and how laws are applied on a day to day basis."
America saw a wave of race-related unrest only last week over the decision not to indict another white police officer who had shot dead a young black man, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri.
UN human rights experts have expressed "legitimate concerns" over the decisions not to bring to trial the cases of both Brown and Garner.
On Thursday night in New York City, protesters carried coffins across the Brooklyn Bridge and marched in several groups through Manhattan, carrying banners saying "Racism kills" and "This stops today".
"People are sick and tired of the systemic problems of racism in this country," said one protester, Jason Pollock. "We are out here in the streets to say that black life matters."
Police in riot gear told protesters staging sit-ins that they would face arrest if they did not move along. Police arrested more than eighty people in the protests, though the demonstrations have been largely peaceful.
In Staten Island, a woman who filmed Eric Garner being held called the decision not to prosecute a 'slap in the face'.
Smaller-scale protests were held in cities including Chicago, Washington, Denver, and Boston. In Minneapolis, some protesters blocked traffic by marching or lying in the middle of a highway.
Activists have called for another march in Washington on 13 December, followed by a summit on civil rights.
Garner, 43, was stopped on a street in New York City on 17 July 2014, on suspicion of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes. After a confrontation with police, Officer Daniel Pantaleo placed his arm around Garner's neck. Garner, who had asthma, was wrestled to the ground and restrained by force. On the video of the incident, he can be heard repeatedly saying "I can't breathe". He became unresponsive, and later died.
The city's medical examiner's office found in the summer that Garner's death was caused by "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police".
Police unions and Pantaleo's lawyer, Stuart London, have said he used an accepted takedown move on Garner, rather than a chokehold, which is banned under New York City police regulations.
Pantaleo testified to having heard Garner say "I can't breathe", but said he believed that, once he got him down on the ground and put him on his side, he would be revived by paramedics, according to London.
Pantaleo also testified that he had tried in vain to talk Garner into complying with police instructions, something not seen in the video. "Let's make this easy, you've been through this before," the police officer is said to have told Garner.
Attorney General Eric Holder promised "an independent, thorough, fair, and expeditious" Federal investigation into potential civil rights violations in the case.
A review of how to heal a "breakdown in trust" between police and communities is also under way.
Rico says be sure to look at the size of the guy at the start of the video; he's lucky the cops didn't just shoot him for resisting...

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