20 November 2014

Bracing for more snowstorms

The BBC has an article about this winter:
Another three feet of snow is expected to hit parts of the north-eastern US after a massive snowstorm left at least eight dead in New York state. Weather-related deaths were also reported in New Hampshire and Michigan.
Parts of the city of Buffalo (photo) are already under five feet of snow. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called the snowstorm a "historic event".
Freezing temperatures have continued in many parts of the US, with heavy disruption to travel.
John Jiloty of East Aurora, near Buffalo, told the BBC that some people had been stuck in their cars for a day and a half. "I'm lucky to not be in some of the worst of it ,where there's six feet of snow literally fifteen minutes away from where I am," he said. "We have maybe four feet of snow so a couple more coming tonight and we'll see how we do".
Analysis by Emma Boorman, BBC weather forecaster:
Some parts of New York state have had about five feet of snow, and there is more to come, perhaps as much as another two feet in some places. The situation is not unheard of for this time of year, but it is a little unusual. Cold air has pushed south and moved over the relatively warm Great Lakes area, increasing the temperature contrast between the water and the air, which leads to vast and persistent snow showers. There is an end in sight. It will turn milder through the weekend with a rapid thaw developing, perhaps leading to its own problems with flash flooding.
Residents were reported trapped in their homes and cars, and strong winds and icy roads caused motorway accidents and forced school closures in parts of the US.
More than a hundred National Guard members were deployed to assist in clearing roads and removing abandoned vehicles. Train services in parts of New York state were suspended into Thursday, while long stretches of road near Buffalo were closed.
Rico says he feels sorry for people who live in places like Buffalo, much as people who live in Florida feel about someone living in Pennsylvania...

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