19 November 2014

Snow emergency

Twitter has a series of posts about the snow in Buffalo:
Clouds of snow creep (photo, top) towards One Seneca Tower in downtown Buffalo, New York. The entire country is battling freezing temperatures today, with millions of Americans facing another bitter blast of unseasonably cold air. Towns along Lake Erie are expected to be thumped by thick snow, with as much as six feet possible south of Buffalo, according to NBC News meteorologist Bill Karins.

Carolyn Thompson has an Associated Press article about the storm:
A ferocious storm dumped massive piles of snow on parts of upstate New York, trapping residents in their homes and stranding motorists on roadways, as temperatures in all fifty states fell to freezing or below.
Even hardened Buffalo residents were caught off-guard as more than five feet of snow fell in parts of the city. Authorities said snow totals by the afternoon could top six feet in the hardest-hit areas south of Buffalo, with another potential one to two feet expected.
Cold weather enveloped the entire country Tuesday, leading to record-low temperatures more familiar to January than November. Racing winds and icy roads caused accidents, school closings and delays in municipal operations from the Midwest to the South even where snowfall was low or mercifully absent.
Erie County officials said a 46-year-old man was discovered early Wednesday in his car, which was in a ditch and buried in snow in the town of Alden, 24 miles east of Buffalo. It was unclear how he died.
County officials said four people had died, including three from heart attacks and one who was pinned beneath a car he was trying to free from the snow. Two of the heart attack victims were believed to be stricken while shoveling snow. The storm was blamed for at least seven deaths in New York, New Hampshire, and Michigan.
"We have tried to get out of our house, and we are lucky to be able to shovel so we can open the door," said Linda Oakley of Buffalo. "We're just thinking that, in case of an emergency, we can at least get out the door. We can't go any further."
The snowstorm forced motorists in a hundred and fifty vehicles, including a women's basketball team, to ride out the onslaught in their vehicles. They waited for hours to be freed, with some waiting more than a day. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo deployed members of the National Guard to help clear snow-clogged roads and remove abandoned vehicles. By early Wednesday, a Thruway official said most but not all passenger vehicles had been cleared.
Members of Niagara University's women's basketball team were among the lucky ones. Stranded since Tuesday, team members tweeted photos of a plow starting to clear the road. A few hours later, state troopers picked them up and brought them to a nearby police station where another bus was waiting to take them back to campus, Niagara guard Tiffany Corselli said.
"It seemed like a nightmare. It just didn't feel like it was going to end," Bryce Foreback, 23, of Shicora, Pennsylvania, told The Associated Press by cellphone twenty hours into his wait for help. "I haven't slept in like thirty hours, and I'm just waiting to get out of here." Foreback had become stuck in a long line of cars near the Lackawanna toll booths just south of Buffalo on Monday night.
The lake-effect snow created a stark divide: in downtown Buffalo, and north of the city, there was a mere dusting of precipitation, while, in the southern parts, snow was everywhere. The snow band that brought the snow was very much evident throughout the day as gray clouds persistently hovered over the southern part of the city. The band was so apparent, that the wall of snow could be seen from a mile away.
In a region accustomed to highway-choking snowstorms, this one is being called one of the worst in memory. Snow blown by strong winds forced the closing of a hundred-plus-mile stretch of the Thruway, the main highway across New York state.
In New Hampshire and elsewhere, icy roads led to accidents. Lake-effect storms in Michigan produced gale-force winds and as much as eighteen inches of snow, and canceled several flights at the Grand Rapids airport.
Schools closed in the North Carolina mountains amid blustery winds and ice-coated roads. In Indiana, three firefighters were hurt when a semitrailer hit a fire truck on a snowy highway. In Atlanta, Georgia, tourists Morten and Annette Larsen from Copenhagen were caught off-guard by the thirty-degree weather as they took photos of a monument to the 1996 summer Olympics at Centennial Olympic Park. "It's as cold here as it is in Denmark right now. We didn't expect that," Larsen said, waving a hand over his denim jacket, buttoned tightly over a hooded sweatshirt.
Rico says he'd rather be in Denmark if it's gonna be that cold; they have better beer...

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