05 November 2014

Battleship New Jersey on Veterans Day

Philly.com has an article about a local landmark:
The battleship New Jersey, BB62, will hold a ceremony on its forecastle at 11 am on Tuesday, Veterans Day, to honor those who have served in the armed forces.
The free event will feature as speakers retired Army General Charles Mahan, and author and battleship expert Paul Stillwell, as well as having live music by the quartet Cohesion, battleship volunteer and bugler Nan LaCourt, and the Grade Seven Concert Band from the Community Middle School of the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District.
Mahan's 35-year military career took him to Germany, Kuwait, Iraq, and Texas. His final assignment was as chief of logistics for the Army.
Stillwell's books about naval history include Battleship New Jersey: An Illustrated History; USS South Dakota: The Story of Battleship X; and Air Raid: Pearl Harbor! Stillwell joined the staff of the US Naval Institute in 1974 and is director of the organization's history division.
The event also will include the casting of a memorial wreath into the Delaware River and the firing of the battleship's port-side saluting gun.
Veterans are offered free access to the battleship, which will be open for walk-up tours from 9:30 a.m to 3 pm.
Rico says you gotta be careful when you read too fast; he thought they were casting a memorial wrench into the Delaware... (But the highlight of the day will, undoubtedly, be the Grade Seven Concert Band... And, yes, that was sarcasm, though Rico is sure they'll be just fine.)

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