15 November 2014

Drones for the day

Victor Luckerson has a Time article about Amazon's use of delivery drones:
It seems Amazon is getting serious about delivering packages to its customers via drone.
The e-tailer has posted a job listing for a flight operations engineer on its Amazon Prime Air drone delivery team. The job, based at Amazon’s Seattle, Washington headquarters, will involve working with regulatory authorities, planning out test flights, and executing the flights themselves. Several years of flight test experience are required for the job.
The company is also seeking a flight safety manager to work on the same program.
Amazon first announced its intentions to begin a drone delivery program via a 60 Minutes episode about a year ago. The plan has been met with much skepticism because the commercial use of drones is heavily regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration. However, the agency recently permitted the use of drones on certain movie sets, which could pave the way for wider use of the vehicles at businesses such as Amazon.
Rico says he can hardly wait for the UPS drones battling Amazon's for airspace...

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