25 November 2014

Accidental stormtrooper

The BBC has an article about Laurie Goode:
Laurie Goode was a professional musician who supplemented his income working as a film extra. One spring day in 1976, a chance series of events changed his life.
Goode received a phone call asking if he would be free for some work as an background artist on a science fiction movie that was being filmed in Elstree. He was called up because a friend of his had pulled out because of illness.
The film was Star Wars, and Goode played a number of minor parts as a Stormtrooper, as a Saurin, and as a pilot of an X-Wing fighter.
At the time, no one knew how successful the film was going to be. But, as its popularity grew, Goode and his fellow background artists found themselves in demand from autograph hunters and fans of the film alike.
Even now, 38 years on, he still makes appearances at conventions where fans buy his autograph and chat about his experiences on set.
Rico says fame may be fleeting, but not for everybody...

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