06 November 2014

A-Rod's advice

Rico's friend Kelley forwards an article from The Huffington Post by Chris Greenberg:
It doesn't seem that Alex Rodriguez, aka A-Rod, was afraid to get his hands dirty when it came to evading detection from Major League Baseball's drug testing policy. The New York Yankees' pariah told Drug Enforcement Administration agents and Federal prosecutors that he was instructed in how to pass a urine test by providing a sample from a specific part of his urine stream, according to a report by the Miami Herald.
Bosch advised him to only use mid-stream urine for MLB drug testing. Bosch told Rodriguez not to use the beginning or the end of the urine stream,” Rodriguez told the DEA, according to the Miami Herald report.
Citing a fifteen-page written report on a meeting between Rodriguez, DEA agents, and Federal prosecutors in January of 2014, the Herald reported that Rodriguez confessed to receiving and using performance-enhancing drugs from Tony Bosch, founder of the disreputable anti-aging clinic Biogenesis. Rodriguez reportedly also told the DEA that Bosch provided advice on how to beat a urine test. The advice Rodriguez reportedly described to the DEA and prosecutors sounded very similar to comments Bosch made during an interview with CBS' 60 Minutes in January of 2014:
“You want to start the test, and then introduce the urine cup into the stream. What you want to capture is the middle of the stream. Not the beginning or not the end of the stream," Bosch said, when asked by Scott Pelley of CBS about A-Rod passing drug tests. "That was extremely important, because most of the metabolites are either in the beginning of the stream or are at the end of the stream. It’s that precise.”
About a week before the Miami Herald report, Rodriguez finished serving a 162-game suspension during the 2014 season, reduced from 211 games by an arbitrator, for violations of Major League Baseball's drug agreement and labor contract. From the outset of the Biogenesis scandal, in January of 2013, the three-time American League MVP had vehemently denied taking performance-enhancing drugs, and referred to MLB's treatment of him as a "witch hunt."
 Rico says that witch hunts traditionally end with the burning of the witch...

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