22 October 2014

Ride 2 Recovery

Rico says his old Claris-days friend Mate forwards this triumphant note. Check out the photos on his Facebook page.

Thanks for the support. I did it. All 484+ miles and over 28,200-plus-feet cumulative altitude gain. One day, on the Big Sur Coast, I logged 105 miles and 10,857 feet in nine hours. On the handcycle it is like lifting weights for nine hours straight.
Lots of pictures on Facebook at "Ride 2 Recovery". Probably had more pictures taken of me on this ride than I have had in my entire life. Being on a handcycle put me at the front of our Delta group and near the front when all groups rode as one. Interviews and pictures in many news articles down the California coast. They like disabled vets on adaptive cycles. Good copy.  The upright bike riders call us (handcyclists and recumbent cyclists) "low riders" for obvious reasons. All in good humor and with affection.
Now I want to keep this up with future rides. Never had so many people mention my "big pair of guns" before. {;-> Not bad for an broken "old fogey". Who know what else can be accomplished, if I can just get my life straightened out a little.
There is no way I could have done this without the support and encouragement of lots of people.


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