29 October 2014

Idiot for the day

Rishi Iyengar has a Time article about another idiot with a gub:
The former baseball star, Jose Canseco, was reportedly cleaning his handgun when it went off, taking out most of his left middle finger. He was reportedly rushed into surgery after accidentally shooting himself in the finger at his home.
The former Oakland Athletics outfielder, who retired from the sport in 2001, was cleaning his handgun when it went off and was taken to University Medical Center, KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada first reported.
Canseco’s fiancée Leila Knight told the Los Angeles Times that doctors have already said he will never have full use of his left hand again. Knight said the middle finger of his left hand, which the bullet hit, would either have to be amputated or undergo full reconstruction surgery.
“I heard the gun go off and saw his middle finger hanging by a string,” she said.
Knight also took to the former player’s official Twitter account to update fans and well-wishers, saying he was still in surgery around 8.45 p.m. local time, soon after she used the social media site to let people know he was “safe and recovering”.

Rico says that some people (athletes especially, it seems) should not play with things that can hurt you... (And he violated the first rule of gubs: always make sure it's unloaded.)

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