28 October 2014

Corporate idiots for the day

Rishi Iyengar has a Time article about an 'oops' by Walmart:
Retail giant Walmart caused a stir after a listing for plus-size Halloween outfits appeared on their website under the heading Fat Girl Costumes. The retail chain quickly backtracked, issuing an apology before changing the heading to Women’s Plus-Size Halloween Costumes. “This never should have been on our site. It is unacceptable, and we apologize,” a spokesperson for the company said. “We are working to remove it as soon as possible and ensure this never happens again.”
A Twitter user named Kristyn Washburn first brought the slipup to the public’s attention with this tweet, People reported:

The widespread outrage caused by the ill-advised labeling made Fat Girl Costumes a top trend on the micro-blogging site, with several other users expressing their indignation:

Jezebel, which first reported the story, speculated that it might have been an inside joke by the site’s developer that wasn’t corrected before going live.
Rico says that, if so, the website developers just lost their contract...

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