28 October 2014

Art for the day

The BBC has an article with a (non-bloggable, sorry) video by Jane Peel about a squabble over a painting worth a few million bucks:
A painting sold by Sotheby's in London, England for £42,000 is at the centre of a legal battle amid claims that it could actually be the work of Italian baroque master Caravaggio and worth up to eleven million pounds.
Former owner Bill Thwaytes, of Penrith in Cumbria, has accused the auction house of "professional negligence". When it was sold in 2006, it was attributed to a follower of the artist. Thwaytes said more should have been done to determine whether it was by Caravaggio, who died in 1610.
It was bought by the Thwaytes family in 1962 for £140.
In 2006, Thwaytes asked Sotheby's to value the work, and the auction house concluded that the painting was one of several copies made of the original, which is on display at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas.
In the 1950s, the Thwaytes family sold a genuine Caravaggio, The Musicians, to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Thwaytes suspected his version of The Cardsharps was also likely to be authentic.
But Sotheby's decided the copy was not created by the Italian master himself and attributed it to a seventeenth century follower.
The painting was sold for £42,000. But its new owner, a British collector, has declared it to be by Caravaggio and worth millions.
Speaking at the High Court in London recently, Henry Legge QC, representing Thwaytes, said the issue was not whether it could be proved on the balance of probabilities that the painting was by Caravaggio. The core of the case, he said, was a claim of negligence. He said Sotheby's had failed to thoroughly research the painting, consult outside experts, or properly advise Thwaytes.
Sotheby's is defending the claim and has described suggestions the painting is worth £11m as "preposterous".
In papers submitted to the court, the auction house said its experts were competent to assess the artwork and none of the leading scholars who have examined it since it was sold think it is by Caravaggio.
Mr Thwaytes and some of the world's leading Caravaggio experts will give evidence at the trial, which is due to last for four weeks.
Rico says the art world is full of, as the painting describes: The Cardsharps depicts a wealthy man falling victim to two card cheats. (But QC, of course, puts Rico in mind of Rumpole, who would've loved this case...)

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