28 October 2014

Apple for the day

Justin Worland has a Time article about ApplePay:
Owners of the iPhone 6 registered more than a million credit cards on ApplePay in the first three days the tech giant offered the service, Apple CEO Tim Cook said recently.
Cook’s claims of the mobile payment system’s rapid pickup came after it emerged large retailers, including Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies, would not allow the payment system in their stores, as those companies offer their own mobile payment system. Cook described that decision as a “skirmish” and said he remained confident in ApplePay.
“You are only relevant as a retailer or merchant if your customers love you,” he said, during an interview at a Wall Street Journal conference. “It’s the first and only mobile payment system that’s easy, private and secure.”
ApplePay, which launched on 20 October 2014, works with the six largest credit card companies, and can be used at more than two hundred thousand storefronts in the United States.
Rico says that the holdouts will eventually cave under consumer pressure...

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