08 September 2014

V2 for the day

Richard Hollingham has a BBC article about the V2:
On a sunny morning in the autumn of 1944, my father, then a teenager, was waiting for a train at Cromer railway station on the coast of eastern England. It was a beautiful clear day and, from the railway platform set high above the town, he could see across the calm North Sea to German-occupied Holland. “On the horizon, I saw three streaks go up into the air and disappear into the stratosphere,” he recalls. “I’m quite certain these were V2 rockets being launched to crash somewhere; where, I don’t know.”
Launched from mobile units, each V2 rocket was fourteen meters (46ft) high and carried nine hundred kilos of explosives. The first attack on London, on 8 September 1944, gouged a crater ten meters across, killed three people and injured 22.
However, unlike aircraft, or the V2’s predecessor, the V1 flying bomb, this was a new type of weapon, crashing and exploding without warning in target cities, such as London, Norwich, Paris, Lille, and Antwerp. It took just five minutes from launch to landing. The V stood for vergeltungswaffen, or revenge weapon, and were a last-ditch attempt by the Germans to reverse the course of the war.
Having seen a rocket launch, Dad was fortunate enough to escape a V2’s return to Earth when he was waiting for another train at Queen’s Park underground station in north London. “Suddenly there was a large bang in a road nearby, and a great cloud of debris was thrown up in the air, and that was a V2 rocket,” he says. “It was a terror weapon, you didn’t hear it arriving, it was just there: bang!
More than thirteen hundred V2s were fired at England and, as Allied forces advanced, hundreds more were targeted at Belgium and France.
Although there is no exact figure, estimates suggest that several thousand people were killed by the missile; 2,724 in Britain alone. However, a far grimmer statistic is that many more, at least twenty thousand, died constructing the V2s themselves.
“It’s something that’s often glossed over, but it shouldn’t be,” says Doug Millard, space historian and curator of space technology at London’s Science Museum, where a V2 takes pride of place in the main exhibition hall. “The V2 program was hugely expensive in terms of lives, with the Nazis using slave labor to manufacture these rockets.”
The prisoners, many pulled from other concentration camps for their technical skills such as welding, worked around the clock in an underground factory called Mittelwerk, near the Buchenwald concentration camp in central Germany. They lived under appalling conditions, with no daylight, little sleep, food, or proper sanitation. Many were executed for attempted sabotage. Eyewitness accounts describe prisoners being hanged from cranes above the rocket assembly lines.
Despite his complicity in the conditions at Mittelwerk, the engineer who designed the V2, Wernher von Braun, came to be feted as a hero of the space age. The Allies realized that the V2 was a machine, unlike anything they had developed themselves.
At the heart of the V2 was a powerful motor capable of taking the rocket more than fifty miles above the Earth in a trajectory of some hundred-plus miles. Fueled by liquid ethanol and oxygen, it was much more sophisticated that anything built before and effectively the world’s first space rocket. “There had been smaller rockets built in the 1930s, but this was far bigger with a greater range,” Millard says. “The V2 was a quantum leap of technological change.”
One of the most important new technologies developed for the V2 was an automatic guidance system, which operated independently of controllers on the ground. With the destination “programmed” into the on-board analogue computer, once a rocket was in flight, its gyroscopes could continuously track the craft’s position in three dimensions. Any deviations in course and rudders fitted to the fins on the side of the rocket would automatically adjust the heading and trajectory to keep it on target.
Not surprisingly, when the war ended, the Americans, Soviets, and British scrambled to get their hands on V2 technology. With no desire to work for Stalin, Von Braun made a shrewd decision to surrender to the Americans, while the Russians got their hands on the V2 factory and test range.
“Both the Americans and Soviets took the V2s to bits to decipher their workings,” says Millard. “The Soviets completely recreated a V2 and the Americans took them over to America to launch and carry out some of the first upper atmosphere experiments.”
However, the US knew that it wasn’t the hardware that was as important as the men behind it. And they had Von Braun. Although the military’s priority was to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles, the German engineer now had the opportunity to pursue his dreams of spaceflight.
“After a brief hiatus, he started working for the American army on their Redstone missile, and that was a direct derivative of the V2,” says Millard. “America’s first astronaut, Alan Shepard, was launched in 1961 on a version of the Redstone missile.”
After World War Two, V2's were exhaustively tested by the US and the Soviet Union. “We got to the Moon using V2 technology, but this was technology that was developed with massive resources, including some particularly grim ones,” says Millard.
Would man have landed on the Moon without Hitler’s weapon? Probably, but perhaps not as soon. As with so many technological innovations, war hastened the development of the modern rocket and accelerated the space age.
Even today, the fundamental technology of launchers remains the same as it did seventy years ago. The engine looks similar, rockets still use gyroscopic guidance and most are powered by liquid fuel, all pioneered in the V2.
Unwittingly, on a September day in 1944, my father had witnessed the dawn of the Space Age. “Rockets really haven’t changed a great deal,” says Millard. “We’re still living in the age of the V2.”
Rico says it's almost quaint now, but Tom Lehrer had a song about Wernher von Braun: "Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down; that's not my department, said Wernher von Braun..."

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