30 September 2014

Kim Jong Un breaks both ankles

Buzzfeed has an article about the North Korean leader (the one in the Mao suit in the middle), who had a little accident:
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who has been mysteriously missing from the public eye for almost a month, was hospitalized in mid-September of 2014 for surgery on both of his ankles, a South Korean newspaper reported. “I heard that Kim Jong Un injured his right ankle in June after pushing ahead with on-site visits, and ended up fracturing both ankles because he left the injury unattended,” a source was quoted as saying in The Chosun Ilbo.
An intelligence official told the paper that Kim is overweight, and his injuries may have been caused during a lengthy tour of North Korean military installations while he was wearing Cuban heels.
The North Korean leader reportedly underwent surgery at Bonghwa Clinic in Pyongyang, North Korea, which is reserved for high-ranking officials in the country, and remains there in recovery.
In a 8 July 2014 image made from video of the North Korean leader at a commemoration ceremony, many said Kim Jong Un appeared to be limping as he made his way across the stage.
Kim has not been seen in public in almost a month and missed a 25 September 2014 parliament session, the first he has failed to attended since coming to power three years ago.
Speculation about the North Korean leader has been swirling since Kim has been out of the public eye, including the possibility that he has gout, has been drinking and smoking too heavily, and even that a coup had taken place in the country.
Rico says it's too bad he didn't break his neck... (He wears the heels to try and be taller, the vain little punk.)

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