06 August 2014

More Apple for the day

John Paczkowski has a <re/code> article about the new iPhone:
Onstage at our inaugural Code conference earlier this summer, Apple SVP Eddy Cue described the company’s fall product pipeline as the best he’d seen in his years at Apple. A few weeks from now we’ll get our first look at what he was talking about. Apple has scheduled a big media event for Tuesday, 9 September 2014 a date to which Apple numerologists will strain to attribute significance. As with September events past, the focal point of this one is to be Apple’s next-generation iPhones, which are expected to feature larger displays of 4.7 and 5.5 inches, and run speedy new A8 processors. Apple declined comment. 9to5Mac previously reported that Apple was tentatively planning an event for mid-September.
Rico says that, barring a lottery win, he will probably be keeping his iPhone 5 for awhile...

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