20 August 2014

Idiot for the day

Mensah Dean has an article in the Philadelphia Daily News about a dumb guy only getting dumber:
Jason 'Wolf' Parker, a Philadelphia man arrested this spring for allegedly impersonating a lawyer, was convicted yesterday of contempt of court for defying a judge's order to stay out of the city's Criminal Justice Center.
Before being led from the courtroom by a deputy sheriff, Parker, sounding like a lawyer, told Common Pleas Judge Rayford Means that he objected, and would be appealing. Though the contempt conviction is only a misdemeanor punishable by just under six months in jail, Parker's legal troubles are far from over: on Friday, he'll be tried for a separate charge of impersonating a lawyer.
Parker, 38, is accused of holding himself out as a lawyer in the courthouse, handing out business cards, soliciting clients, and interfering with real lawyers and their clients. He was arrested on 23 April 2014 after deputy sheriffs spotted him in the courthouse lobby. Earlier that morning, Means had ordered Parker to stay out of the Center City building after receiving complaints from defense lawyers that he was interfering with their work.
Means said Parker had disrupted operations in his courtroom and court building, and had interfered with several defense lawyers, including one who withdrew from representing a client after a verbal dispute with Parker.
Defense attorney Perry de Marco Jr. said that, on the day Parker was arrested for contempt, he entered the building only because he had a subpoena for a summary trial for smoking on a train. He did not tell the deputy sheriffs of his subpoena when he re-entered the building because he was "terrified. He didn't want to be arrested. He didn't re-enter the building until the exact time of the subpoena, 11:30, so he wouldn't get a bench warrant," de Marco said.
De Marco argued that Parker never told anyone he was a lawyer, but rather that he talked to people about services related to criminal defense. Those services included bringing clothes to inmates, putting money on their books and helping them get lawyers, de Marco said. "When it comes down to was he practicing law, the answer is absolutely not," the attorney said.
Parker has more than a dozen prior arrests and a handful of convictions for charges that include contempt of court, gun possession, and fleeing police, according to court records.
Rico says this is why it's called felony stupid...

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