26 August 2014

Hypocrites in the GOP? Really?

Slate has an article by Emily Tamkin about an all-too-typical politician:
In 2012, Tennessee Republican Representative Scott DesJarlais (photo, playing with his phone, which is probably smarter than he is) was exposed as having had extramarital affairs, having slept with his medical patients, and having supported his ex-wife's decision to get two abortions before their marriage, despite his staunchly public pro-life stance. Roughly one month later, he won re-election to Congress. It seems he may go on to do so again: DesJarlais officially won his recent Republican primary contest.
From the Washington Post:
Tracy's concession ends more than two weeks of drama that started after the race was too close to call the morning after the 7 August 2014 primary. It also marks a remarkable political comeback for DesJarlais, who has been weighed down by personal scandal.
DesJarlais will go into his race with the Democratic nominee, a retired accountant named Lenda Sherrell, as the favorite in a heavily conservative district. Mitt Romney won 65.3 percent of the vote in the district in the 2012 presidential election, to Barack Obama's 33.1 percent.
Days after certified election results showed DesJarlais narrowly outpaced state senator Jim Tracy by 38 votes in a closely-watched primary in the Fourth District, Tracy conceded, citing a desire to avoid a lengthy legal battle without a clear path to erasing his margin, even as he maintained that he saw potential problems with the vote.
Rico says that the electorate inevitably gets the representation they deserve...

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