23 August 2014

China for the day

Soldier of Fortune magazine has an article about a close call near Hainan:
A Navy P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft (photo) had a close call when a ChiCom fighter came within thirty feet of the aircraft while making aggressive maneuvers. The incident took place earlier this week in international airspace.
According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, the ChiCom J-11, a knockoff of the Russian Su-27, made repeated close passes to the P-8. The Chinese fighter reportedly “crossed directly under the US aircraft” on multiple occasions per a DOD spokesperson, and on “one pass having only fifty to a hundred feet separation between the two aircraft.” The Chinese fighter also made at least one pass in which it showed the crew of the P-8 its weapons loadout, and on another occasion flew with its wingtips within thirty feet of the P-8’s, which was operating about 135 miles east of Hainan Island, located in the South China Sea. In 2001, a Navy EP-3 Aries collided with a Chinese J-8 Finback. The Chinese pilot was killed, while the EP-3 made an emergency landing on Hainan Island. The crew was later released. Shane Osborn, the pilot of the EP-3, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Rico says we do not need a war with the fucking Chinese; we did that in Korea in the Fifties, and nobody won that one...

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