13 July 2014

Movie review for the day (Lullaby)

Rico's ladyfriend usually gets to pick the evening's television viewing, and last night's was Lullaby, a righteously depressing-but-inspiring movie about dealing with the death of a parent, a father in this case:
A man estranged from his family receives word that his father has chosen to take himself off life support within 48 hours.
Rico says he has yet, fortunately, to have to deal with this subject, but it's inevitable, and he hopes to do better at it than Garrett Hedlund, who plays Jonathan Lowenstein (photo), the son in the movie (and who, to Rico's sounds-just-like-a-parent amusement, really should get his hair cut and shave, as what Jewish mother would not say 'you're so nice looking under all that')...

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