23 July 2014

Those who've gone before

Rico says he has a list of men (sorry, ladies, no slight intended) whom he had looked forward to enjoying his later years with, but can't, because they're dead (and Rico, in spite of his angioma, isn't):
Both Rico's grandfathers, Leroy D. Seymour and George H. Wilson
Bob Blanchard
Rodney Furmanski
Li Greiner
Charles O. Hegarty
Larry Jordan
Jeff Kask
Kit Kitterman
Pat Leamy
Bob Leone
Dwight Mitchell
Carl Mydans
Lenny Siegal
Norm Silvera
Dick Teater
Fred Wells
and, of course, the dogs:
Dinky, Rico's childhood dog, who wandered off The Hill, where Rico lived with his parents in Palo Alto, California, and got run over on El Camino, fifty years back. (Rico's mother's acid dig about him 'going after some bitch' was, Rico later realized, really aimed at Rico's father, who apparently had, as well.)
Alia and Starbuck, Rico's post-college dogs, who, due to circumstances, had to be given up to the Humane Society. Alia's reproachful eye as she was led away by strangers to (probably) her death or (hopefully) adoption still stings, forty years on.
There will undoubtedly be more (including Rico's current cats, Flora and Bud, as Rico has no intention of dying anytime soon...

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