22 July 2014

Took the easy way out

Stephanie Burnett  has a Time article about a guy who couldn't live with his problems:
South Korean police said recently that a body found on 12 June 2014 is that of Yoo Byung-eun (photo, bottom), the fugitive businessman with ties to Chonghaejin, the company that operated the Sewol ferry.
The heavily decomposed body was found in the southern part of the country. Tests indicated that it matched the DNA of Yoo’s elder brother and police believe this indicates it is the body of the billionaire. The cause of death is not yet known.
“We do not know yet whether it was a homicide or a suicide,” Woo Hyung-Ho, a local police chief, said to reporters.
The 73-year-old patriarch of the family that controlled Chonghaejin had been on the run since just after the ferry tragedy occurred on 16 April 2014. A reward of five hundred million won ($487,000) was offered for information leading to Yoo’s arrest.
The Sewol ferry went down (photo, top), killing most of the 476 on board, of whom 325 were high school students. So far, 294 bodies have been recovered, while another ten are missing.
The ferry’s captain and fourteen surviving crew members are currently on trial. Four are charged with homicide and face the death penalty if convicted. Others are accused of abandoning ship and safety offenses.
Rico says you fuck up, you pay the price... (And isn't this reminiscent of the Costa Concordia?)

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