11 May 2014

Last international scam for the day

From: Ljubco Panevski
Sent: Sun, 11 May, 2014 at 13:26
To: undisclosed-recipients 
I am Ljubco Panevksi, contacting you due to $21 Million USD, deposited on
July/6/2004.The funds in question belongs to a client who is now deceased. I now
seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin to the deceased as all
documentations will be carefully worked out by me for the funds to be released
to you via my bank as the beneficiary's next of kin and we will share the
proceeds 50/50. I must let you know that all that is required from you is trust
and sincerity and most importantly transparent honesty in this project for us to
succeed. Reply to this mail(panevskiljubco2@yahoo.com.hk) if this business
endeavor is accepted by you. Please do not take undue advantage of the trust I
bestow in you. 
Best Regards
Ljubco Panevski

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