06 May 2014

Hillary on gubs

Laura Stampler has a Time article about Hillary Clinton's views:
Potential 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (photo) said that gun culture in the US has become “way out of balance”. The potential 2016 presidential candidate, whose father taught her how to shoot as a kid and who has long advocated against gun violence, criticized the way U.S. gun culture has become centered on the idea that "anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime. I think that we’ve got to rein in what has become an almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime,” Clinton said at the National Council for Behavioral Health conference in Maryland. “And I don’t believe that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people. And I think you can say that and still support the right of people to own guns.”
Clinton added that she believes in the right to bear arms— her father taught her how to shoot as a child— but the former Secretary of State cited recent examples of deadly shooting over teens playing loud music and fathers texting the babysitter in movie theaters in making her case, saying that “at the rate we’re going, we’re going to have so many people with guns everywhere, fully licensed, fully validated.”
Clinton has a long history of advocating for gun control. During her 2000 Senate bid, she said one of the reasons she was running was because “we need a comprehensive plan to stop gun violence”. In the 2008 election against Obama, however, she portrayed herself to the right of the now-President on gun control issues, a stance which some gun control advocates found hypocritical.
Rico says talking out of both sides of your mouth is a politician's stock in trade...

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