28 May 2014

EU scam for the day

Rico says he's quite sure the EU has better things to do:

From: "Payment Notification" <secretary@torbaymdc.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, 25 May, 2014 07:40
Subject: Ref: Your Unpaid Lottery/Contract/Inheritance Fund
European Union Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
EU/UN High Commission Plaza, Washington DC, USA
Our Ref: EU/UN/OCHA-WA/511
Ref: Your Unpaid Lottery/Contract/Inheritance Fund 
Dear Sir/Madam,
Consequent to the clamoring appeals and petitions leveled against the Federal Government by the esteemed lottery, contract, and Inheritance fund claimants due to the non-payment of their overdue fund; the European Union High Commission has been conferred the sole responsibility to carry out a thorough and satisfactory scrutiny of the issue affected beneficiaries, and thus we discovered with dismay that your payment sum of $10.5m has also been unnecessarily delayed by the corrupt officials.
However, we are unaware that most unpaid and affected beneficiaries harbors some odd sentiment, disenchantment and discontentment about the Federal Government, but you are to be re-assured that in every adversity carries its proportional advantage.
Nevertheless, our discovery during our Investigation is that you have been scammed and mis-led by some syndicates in Government offices, especially in Africa. So many of these corrupt officials have been sacked, probe and detained in jail custody, after they were found guilt of the petition written on them by fund beneficiaries. Be advised to desist from further communication with every offices/Authorities/Banks you have been dealing with in regards to your fund to avoid anything that will jeopardize our efforts towards your payment. 
Yours faithfully, 
Mr. Frank Thomas

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