22 May 2014

Domestic scam for the day

 Rico says it's not from CitiBank:

To: akesi@prontomail.com

RE: Account Documents

To: akesi@prontomail.com
Case: C2653704

Your Documents have been uploaded to dropbox. In order to download / view Please click here to download / view .

All web filed documents (with the exception of downloaded accounts templates) are available to view / download for 10 days after their original submission. Once accepted, these changes will be displayed on the public record. Not yet filing your accounts online? See how easy it is... For enquiries, please telephone the Service Desk on +1 800-285-3005 or email enquiries@citibank.com. This email was sent from a notification-only email address which cannot accept incoming mail. Please do not reply directly to this message. .
Yours faithfully
Everette Baez
Commercial Banking
Citibank N.A
Copyright © 2014 Citigroup Inc.                                                                     

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