02 May 2014

Finding Flight MH370 could take a year

The BBC has an article about the status of the search:
Angus Houston, fhe official leading the hunt for the missing Malaysian airliner, says a full search of the suspected crash area could take up to a year.
Houston said he was confident an "effective search" would find the plane.
Officials from Australia, China, and Malaysia will meet in Canberra, Australia next week to discuss the ongoing search.
A report has revealed a four-hour gap between Flight 370's disappearance and the start of a search operation. The preliminary report, from Malaysia's transport ministry, also revealed that air traffic controllers did not realise the plane was missing until seventeen minutes after it disappeared off radar.
The plane, carrying 239 people, disappeared over the South China Sea as it flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
Rico says someone should hang for this...

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