18 April 2014

X-Men director accused of sexual abuse

Elliot Hannon has a Slate article about a pervert who should never work in Hollywood again:
Bryan Singer (photo), the director-producer behind the X-Men movie franchise, has been accused of sexually abusing an aspiring male teenage actor fifteen years ago. The allegations came in the form of a federal lawsuit filed by Michael F. Egan III, who claims in the filing that Singer offered him a role in an X-Men film “if he gave in to Singer's sexual demands, while threatening to destroy his career if he didn't,” CNN reports.
Egan, now in his thirties, said that he reported the abuse to authorities at the time it occurred, but that it was never pursued by law enforcement. Los Angeles police officials said they were investigating whether a report had been filed. According to The Associated Press, Egan “described abuse he said began when he was fifteen years old, at the hands of Singer and others. He described being plied with drugs and promises of Hollywood fame, while also enduring threats and sexual abuse in Hawai'i and Los Angeles, California over several years.
Here’s more on the civil suit via the Associated Press:
Egan sued Singer, seeking more than $75,000 on each of four accusations: intentional infliction of emotional distress, battery, assault and invasion of privacy. The lawsuit was filed in Hawai'i, because of a state law that temporarily suspends the statute of limitations in sex abuse cases. Egan’s lawyer, Jeff Herman, said that he planned to file additional lawsuits in Hawai'i against other Hollywood figures he said were responsible for abusing underage teens. The attorney would not say who else he planned to sue. During a press conference, Herman said there was a pattern of sexual abuse in Hollywood. “There are these pedophile rings that exist in Hollywood. What I intend to do is draw back a curtain and shine a light on this darkness,” Herman said, according to BuzzFeed. Singer’s lawyer, Marty Singer (no relation), denied the allegations. “It is obvious that this case was filed in an attempt to get publicity at the time when Bryan’s new movie is about to open in a few weeks,” Marty Singer told the AP. Bryan Singer’s latest film, X-Men: Days of Future Past, is scheduled to open in theaters next month.
Rico says a severe beating would be appropriate, though chemical castration would work...

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