08 April 2014

Fast gub

Yahoo! has an article (forwarded by Rico's friend Kelley) by David Alexander about a really fast gub:
The Navy is planning sea trials for a weapon that can fire a low-cost, twenty-pound projectile at seven times the speed of sound using electromagnetic energy, a Star Wars technology that will make enemies think twice, the Navy's research chief said.
Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder (photo), the chief of Naval Research, told a group recently that the futuristic electromagnetic rail gun had already undergone extensive testing on land and would be mounted on the USNS Millinocket, a high-speed vessel, for sea trials beginning in 2016. "It's now reality and it's not science fiction. It's actually real. You can look at it. It's firing," said Klunder, who planned to discuss progress on the system later with military and industry leaders at a major maritime event, the Sea-Air-Space Exposition, near Washington, DC. "It will help us in air defense, it will help us in cruise missile defense, it will help us in ballistic missile defense," he said. "We're also talking about a gun that's going to shoot a projectile that's about a hundredth of the cost of an existing missile system today." The Navy research chief said that cost differential, $25,000 for a railgun projectile versus $500,000 to $1.5 million for a missile, will make potential enemies think twice about the economic viability of engaging US forces.
"That will give our adversaries a huge moment of pause to go: 'Do I even want to go engage a naval ship?'" Klunder told reporters. "You could throw anything at us, frankly, and the fact that we now can shoot a number of these rounds at a very affordable cost, it's my opinion that they don't win."
Officials have voiced concerns that tight defense budgets could cause the Pentagon to lose its technological edge over China, Russia, and other rivals, who have been developing anti-ship ballistic missile systems and integrated air defenses capable of challenging US air and naval dominance.
Weapons like the electromagnetic rail gun could help US forces retain their edge and give them an asymmetric advantage over rivals, making it too expensive to use missiles to attack US warships because of the cheap way to defeat them.
Railguns use electromagnetic energy known as the Lorenz Force to launch a projectile between two conductive rails. The high-power electric pulse generates a magnetic field to fire the projectile with very little recoil, officials said.
The Navy has funded two single-shot railgun prototypes, one by privately held General Atomics and the other by BAE Systems. Klunder said he had selected BAE for the second phase of the project, which will look at developing a system capable of firing multiple shots in succession. Current projectiles leaving a railgun have a muzzle energy of about thirty megajoules of force, said Rear Admiral Bryant Fuller, the Navy's chief engineer. He said one megajoule would move a one-ton object at about a hundred mph.
"We're talking about a projectile that we're going to send well over a hundred miles, we're talking about a projectile that can go over Mach 7, we're talking about a projectile that can go well into the atmosphere," Klunder said. Ships can carry dozens of missiles, but they could be loaded with hundreds of railgun projectiles, he said. "Your magazine never runs out, you just keep shooting, and that's compelling," Klunder said.
The 2016 sea trials will be conducted aboard the joint forces high-speed cargo ship because it has the space to carry the system on its deck and in its cargo bay. Officials said they would begin looking at integrating the system into warships after 2018.
Rico says there's a video here that 'can't be embedded outside of Yahoo', but this is amazing stuff...

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