30 April 2014

Faked out

The Chronicle has an article about a dirty collegiate trick:
Members of New York University’s Students for Justice in Palestine recently served two thousand undergraduate with fake eviction notices, CBS New York reported.
The fliers were slipped under doors in the university’s Palladium and Lafayette residence halls. They denounced the demolition of Palestinian homes by Israel and indicated that “this is not a real eviction notice” at the bottom. “Eviction notices are routinely given to Palestinian families living under Israeli occupation for no other reason than their ethnicity,” the fliers said. “Forced evictions are arbitrary, racist, humiliating, and in violation of Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.”
Many Jewish students live in the dormitories, but other students got the notices as well. Some Jewish students said the move was an attempt to intimidate them. Laura Adkins, a member of a student group that supports Israel, said the notices were an example of freedom of speech taken too far. “It’s pretty alarming to a lot of students,” she said.
The pro-Palestinian group released a statement acknowledging responsibility for the fliers and maintaining that it had not targeted Jewish students.
Similar incidents have occurred at Northwestern and Rutgers.
Rico says the difference is that, here, they don't show up with tanks...

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