09 April 2014


The Washington Post has an article by Andrea Peterson about Microsoft:
After twelve long years, today is D-Day for Microsoft's Windows XP operating system. Starting today, free support and updates for the software will stop. But who is still using an operating system released over a decade ago? Turns out, a lot of people. While estimates vary, XP consistently ranks as the second most popular operating system worldwide. Analytics firm StatCounter says that nearly seventeen percent of desktop, tablet, and console users are on XP, while Net Marketshare puts the desktop use even higher at nearly thirty percent.
As the Post reported in March of 2014,  the US government is among the Microsoft customers who just couldn't let go. At the time, "despite a recent rush to complete upgrades", an estimated ten percent of several million government computers were expected to miss the upgrade deadline. That estimate includes thousands of computers on military and diplomatic networks that secure classified information, US officials told Craig Timberg and Ellen Nakashima.
On the local level, reports suggest state and city governments around the country are still playing catch up too.
But the US government isn't alone; around the world, other governments have hit a similar problem. The Guardian reports that both the British and Dutch governments are paying millions of dollars to Microsoft for an extended year of support.
While the one million euro Dutch deal reportedly only covers support for forty thousand systems, the number covered by the 5.5 million pound British deal is likely much longer. As recently as September of 2013, EHI Intelligence calculated that some 85 percent of the 800,000 PCs in the state-run National Health Service were still running on XP.
You know those magic cash boxes found on street corners around the world? Some 95 percent of them were running Windows XP earlier this year, and the ATM Industry Association only expected 38 percent of those to upgrade by today, and hackers and security researchers keep finding new ways to exploit the system. Just last month, cybersecurity company Symantec reported on a hack that forced Windows XP-based ATMs to spit out cash by sending them text messages.
But while a massive number of ATMs run XP, some use a variant called Windows Embedded that was designed specifically for things like ATMs, cash registers, and other appliances or industrial machines. As Dina Bass at Bloomberg notes, one version of Windows Embedded will lose support today along with the general PC platform, but another will keep getting patched until January of 2016.
Still, Symantec warns, "with the looming end-of-life for Windows XP slated for 8 April 2014, the banking industry is facing a serious risk of cyberattacks aimed at their ATM fleet."
XP was a huge success in China, despite the country's issues with software piracy. According to StatCounter, some 44 percent of desktop, tablet, and console users are still running the operating system as of this month. It's the most popular OS in the country, even beating out Windows 7.
But, despite some reports to the contrary, Microsoft will be ending its free support for the OS in China, although, as in other countries, some computer security companies will offer their own services to fill in the gap. Some users of the Chinese social media service Weibo have even started to say their farewells to the OS online, according to Kotaku.
But consumers in China aren't the only everyday users clinging to the OS. Whether it's price or usability concerns, StatCounter shows over thirteen percent of US computers, tablets, or consoles were still running Windows XP as of this month.
Government computers running Windows XP will be vulnerable to hackers after 8 April 2014.
Rico says that, as an all-Apple household, he cares not for their problems. (Brought it on themselves, buying POS Microsoft computers...)

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