06 March 2014

Photo sharing goes legal

Katie Long has a Slate article about Getty's photos:
Down goes the paywall. Getty Images, the world’s largest photo service, is opening up the bulk of its photo collection for free. Internet users will be able to tweet, blog, or otherwise post photos with Getty’s embed feature that attaches a credit and link to each image.
"Look, if you want to get a Getty image today, you can find it without a watermark very simply," Craig Peters, a business development executive at Getty Images, told The Verge. "The way you do that is you go to one of our customer sites and you right-click. Or you go to Google Image search or Bing Image Search and you get it there. And that's what's happening… Our content was everywhere already."
Rico says it's the future... How anybody's gonna make money if everything is free, however, is another problem...

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