Atlas Obscura has an
article about an obscure piece of
Nazi history:
In the 1930s, Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was at the height of his power. Hitler envisioned Berlin as the capital of a new global empire and, together with his favorite architect, Albert Speer, he embarked on a massive urban redesign project. The centerpiece of this project was to be the massive Volkshalle, a dome so immense it could have comfortably housed St. Peter's Basilica inside it.
Construction of such a gigantic structure presented numerous problems, the biggest one being that Berlin was founded on a swamp. In order to estimate the ability of its soft underlying soil to sustain the weight of their planned dome, the Nazis decided to conduct an experiment. In 1941, they built a huge concrete cylinder, eighteen meters high and weighing about thirteen thousand metric tons. If this Schwerbelastungskörper (German for heavy loading body) (photo, top, of the site; photo, bottom, of the underside) sunk less then six centimeters, the soil would be deemed solid enough to sustain the dome. In fact, the cylinder sank over eighteen centimeters in three years.
Never one to let empirical evidence stand in his way, Hitler decided to disregard the results and build the enormous Volkshalle anyway. But weight wouldn't have been the only problem with the dome. It is believed the hall's acoustics would have made communication within it almost impossible, and that the building would have had its own "weather", including indoor rain. In the end, Hitler's defeat prevented this doomed project from even being started.
The enormous cylinder stood too close to several blocks of apartments to safely demolish after the war. So the Schwerbelastungskörper stood where it was. Since 1995, it has been protected as a historic monument.
Rico says the guy had some serious issues; better he'd gotten into architectural school in the 1920s...
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