30 March 2014

Hate them meeses to pieces

The Associated Press has an article about a neighborhood with problems:
Some Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania residents are complaining that the local Moose Lodge (photo) has gone wild, with noisy parties featuring scantily clad women.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that police say neighbors in the Lawrenceville neighborhood are complaining about the lodge. Police say they found YouTube videos claiming to be from Lawrenceville Moose events that show women dancing around a pole as music blares and men throw cash.
Lodge treasurer Paul Kelly says there is a pole, but he's never seen anybody naked on it and there's no illegal activity. “The pole is pretty much always there on Thursdays, but I've never seen anybody naked on it and I've never smelled marijuana," Kelly told the Tribune-Review. "I've seen a bunch of people dancing, but there's no illegal activity that I've seen.”
Lauren Byrne, director of the Lawrenceville United community group, says she's received at least fifty complaints about loud noise and disorderly conduct during the past six months.
Kelly says he's working to soundproof a wall to reduce the noise that neighbors hear.
Rico says if there's a pole, and cash, somebody's getting naked...

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