27 March 2014

Saudi King holds daughters prisoners

The ClarionProject has some disturbing (if unsurprising) news about the Saudis:
Clarion Project will be hosting an exclusive interview with Honor Diaries producer Paula Kweskin for a unique, behind-the-scenes account of the inspiring women in the film who are courageously fighting to the end oppression of women in Muslim majority societies:
Princess Alanoud al-Fayez (photo, center) married then-Prince Abdullah in an arranged marriage when she was just fifteen. She bore him four daughters: Sahar, Maha, Hala, and Jawaher.
The four have been kept in a compound in the eastern port city of Jeddah, which they cannot leave without armed guards. Their passports have been taken away, and they are barred from leaving the country. Their villa is dilapidated and falling apart, far from the living quarters of the princesses’ privileged childhood.
Princess Sahar, the oldest of the four, was in email contact with Channel Four’s Fatima Manji. She sent pictures and descriptions of their life in the compound and explained the treatment that they are suffering. She said “People don't realize how hard our situation is. They still see us as 'pampered' Saudi princesses, but we suffer on a daily basis.” She also used the opportunity to attack the treatment of women in Saudi society, saying: “Women and children in Saudi Arabia are abused, while their male guardians enjoy privileges granted by the court in cases of domestic abuse. Princes and the elite entourage are protected and the victims and their families suffer injustice.” She said that she was speaking out after her father, thought to be 89 years old, threatened that they would remain captives even after his death, as their brothers would continue to imprison them.
Princess al-Fayez has made every effort to see her children released, including submitting a deposition to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (video) has kept four of his daughters locked in a royal compound in Jeddah for the last thirteen years. Their mother, his second wife who fled to London, England after the couple's divorce, broke the silence and told Britain’s Channel Four about their plight. She has not seen her children for ten years.
Rico says we keep facilitating this medieval shit by sending them money for their oil... 

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