17 March 2014

Going green for St Patrick’s Day

The BBC has an article about green cars:
The old saw this time of year suggests that, on St. Patrick’s Day, everyone is Irish.
Though it may take just a smattering of green in one’s wardrobe to look festive, rare is the automobile that gets in the spirit of St. Patrick.
In today’s marketplace, green is out to pasture, adorning just two percent of new cars purchased in the US in 2012, and just one percent of cars globally, according to paint maker DuPont. The laws of attrition partly explain this paucity of green; fewer and fewer cars are even offered in the color.
Forest green enjoyed some favor in the late 1990s, and more recently, hybrid versions of the Toyota Camry and Ford Escape have worn fresh minty shades, helping underscore their fuel-frugality. But whether shifting fashions or pushback from dealers is to blame, green is definitely passé.
Which, of course, makes the few greens there are on the road stand out even more. There are some spectacularly sophisticated shades out there, enabled by paint technologies that bring new hues to the spectrum. In celebration of the Emerald Isle and its most famous saint, we single out the ten greens currently in production that are a credit to the color.
Rico says that his father once owned an MGB in British Racing Green (of course), in which Rico learned to drive, under his father's strict tutelage...

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