15 March 2014

A scary thought

Bob Warner has an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about a brave man:
There will be no tights. That's the word from Mayor Nutter's office, as the mayor prepares for his first appearance with the Pennsylvania Ballet, scheduled for this Sunday afternoon, 16 March 2014,  at the Academy of Music.
The city's 56-year-old chief executive has a one-performance-only (and typecast) role as The Mayor in Coppélia, a production described by the company as "ballet's greatest comedy". Nutter will be on stage about half an hour, wearing a dark shirt, dark slacks, a top hat, and a cape, his press secretary, Mark McDonald, said. "He's not dancing, and he doesn't have a speaking role per se, but he may be greeting and talking to townspeople in the background (photo) while things are going on in front of him. That is more or less it," McDonald said.
Coppélia is the story of a toy maker in a nineteenth-century village who makes a doll and dreams that one day she will come to life. Tickets, ranging from $25 to $125, are still available.
Nutter spun records as a DJ named Mixmaster Mike before he got into politics. As mayor, he has held a baton in front of the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and the Philly Pops, but this will mark his first appearance in a ballet.
He's not the first Philadelphia mayor to perform with the Pennsylvania Ballet. That honor went to Ed Rendell, playing the same role in Coppélia in the 1990s. Rendell didn't wear tights, either.
Rico says the 'no tights' decision was probably a wise one...

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