14 January 2014

Religion for the day

Brian X. McCrone has an article at Philly.com about an unlikely religious problem:
Is Satanism the last religion that people think they can bash publicly?
A talking head/pundit/longtime lackey of radio host Don Imus called on radio and the Fox Business television channel for a group of Satanists to "be shot" while discussing a proposal to erect a statue of Satan (photo) in Oklahoma City. "They should be able to put the statue up and then they should be shot right next to it," the commentator, Bernard McGuirk, said on the Imus program that aired last week. "And then we take it down."
Another panelist discussing the statue proposal for the front of the Oklahoma statehouse, which Philly.com reported earlier last week, asked if McGuirk if he actually was "advocating violence against people with religious beliefs you don’t agree with".
McGuirk replied: "You can’t slip anything past Fox News pundit Alan Colmes. I am advocating violence."
The Satanic Temple, the group behind the statue proposal, has demanded an apology from Fox News, according to the group's spokesman Lucien Greaves, who said he feared that someone listening or watching McGuirk may actually follow through the provocation of violence.
"Advocacy of the murder of American citizens based on their religious beliefs is intolerable and sickening. For Fox News to disseminate such a position as part of a televised debate on a national network strikes at the heart of this country's founding principles, and potentially places the Temple's members in imminent danger," according to a letter sent to Fox News. The group also said a public reprimand of McGuirk was in order.
A spokeswoman for Fox Business referred requests for comment to WABC Radio. A spokesman did not immediately respond to a email for comment. Imus' publicist Matt Hiltzik declined to comment.
Rico says that old 'freedom of religion' thing can cause very strange bedfellows... (Rico has no issue with the Satanists; they're no more dangerous than the Mormons or the Masons, but he does advocate violence against really dangerous religions, like the Catholics.)

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