05 January 2014

Bears, fishing where they shouldn't

Reuters has an article in The New York Times about a little country taking on the Russians:
Senegal has seized a Russian trawler fishing illegally in its waters, the fisheries minister said, as it seeks to curb heavy losses from fish poaching.
The trawler, the Oleg Naydenov (photo), was captured on Saturday near the maritime border with Guinea-Bissau with fifty crew onboard, most of them from Russia or Guinea-Bissau, Fisheries Minister Haidar El Ali said.
Illegal fishing, mostly by trawlers from the former Soviet bloc, costs Senegal a quarter-billion dollars a year, according to official figures. "The trawler was fishing within Senegalese waters and was seized," Ali told Reuters by telephone. The trawler, which has been impounded in the port of Dakar, will be heavily fined and its fishing material seized, in conformity with Senegalese law, the minister said, adding that it was the third time this trawler had been fined.
Russia's state television channel Rossiya 24 said Russian diplomats in Dakar would meet with Senegalese President Macky Sall to discuss the matter. A spokesman for the Senegalese presidency was not immediately available.
Rico says eventually we'll have to sort this shit out, before all the fish are gone...

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