27 January 2014

A sissy for President?

Rico says he couldn't resist the pun, but the BBC has the real story:
Egypt's top military body has given its approval for armed forces chief Field Marshal Abdul Fattah al-Sisi to run for the presidency.
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said: "The people's trust in Sisi is a call that must be heeded as the free choice of the people." Security sources say he will resign and announce his candidacy within days.
Field Marshal Sisi led the ousting of President Mohammed Morsi in July of 2013 following mass protests against him.
An election must take place by mid-April. Correspondents say Field Marshal Sisi would be likely to win, given his popularity and the lack of any serious rivals.
On Saturday, tens of thousands of people backed his candidacy at a rally in Cairo, after the field marshal said he wanted to gauge "public demand".
At the same time, almost fifty people were killed in clashes between security forces and protesters demanding Morsi's reinstatement.
Three years after the revolution of 2011 swept away the military strongman, Hosni Mubarak, Egypt could soon by ruled by another.
The newly minted Field Marshal, Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, has no experience of war, but has shown himself to be a skilled political tactician. He became a national hero, for some, after he ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in a popularly backed coup. His popularity has spawned a cult, and his image adorns everything from mugs and t-shirts to chocolates and pyjamas.
To supporters, the softly-spoken former military intelligence chief is a strong leader who can restore stability after years of unrest. To critics, he is a military hardliner who is returning Egypt to the repression of the past, with mass arrests and killings by the security forces. Savior or villain, his victory looks all but guaranteed. But he will inherit a deeply divided country, and a failing economy. Without quick solutions he too could face the wrath of the people.
Referring to the field marshal, the alliance led by Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood said that the opposition protests showed "the people want the execution of the murderer" and not to "appoint the murderer as president".
On Monday, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces held an hours-long meeting to discuss "the demands of the people" for Field Marshal Sisi's candidacy. During the meeting, interim President Adly Mansour announced that he had promoted him from general to the army's top rank, reportedly as a final honor before he stands down.
The state news agency Mena later reported that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces had unanimously "endorsed" Field Marshal Sisi to run for president.
The state-run al-Ahram newspaper also said his chief-of-staff, General Sedky Sobhy, had been chosen to replace him as head of the armed forces. A senior military official told the AFP news agency that the field marshal would step down and announce his run within days. He wanted to "unite the people, restore security and Egypt's international standing", the official added.
Speculation that the field marshal would stand intensified after Mansour said presidential elections would be held before parliamentary elections, switching the order laid out in last year's transitional "road map".
The 59-year-old former military intelligence chief was appointed head of the armed forces and defense minister by Morsi in August of 2012.
But after mass protests demanding Morsi's resignation took place on the first anniversary of his taking office, it was the field marshal who gave the president an ultimatum that he would have to satisfy the public's demands or see the army step in. When Morsi refused, Field Marshal Sisi suspended the constitution and announced the formation of a technocratic interim government.
Since then, more than a thousand people have been killed and thousands of members of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood have been detained in a crackdown by the interim authorities, who have designated the Islamist movement a terrorist group. Morsi and many other senior Brotherhood leaders are currently being held on a variety of charges, including incitement to murder and conspiring to commit terrorist acts.
Morsi will go on trial soon with about 130 others, charged with the murder of prison guards during his escape from jail during the 2011 uprising.
In a separate development, Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Baha al-Din, who had called for a more inclusive political process, tendered his resignation. A letter posted on his Facebook page said that a "crucial stage of the road map" was now over and a new phase had begun.
Rico says it's a new world when politicians announce stuff on Facebook...

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