18 December 2013

iMac-ish, only cheap

Doug Aamoth has a Time article about the latest imitation of the Macintosh:
Non-Apple computers that look like Apple computers are nothing new. Back in 1999, when yours truly was working at the now online-only Circuit City, the very iMac-like eMachines eOne flew off the shelves.
It sold itself! Why? Because everyone wanted a candy-colored, semi-translucent iMac, but nobody wanted to spend twelve hundred bucks on one. The eOne ran Windows and only cost eight hundred dollars. Apple sued eMachines, the two companies settled, and the eOne was later redesigned, but not before I sold a lot of eOnes to a lot of college kids. Turns out, the thing was a pile that never really worked quite right, but that’s another story for another time.
Anyway, LG has just announced the Chromebase. It’s an all-in-one machine that could be mistaken for a poor man’s iMac, but runs Google’s browser-based Chrome operating system. No pricing has been announced yet, but, given the system’s internals– Celeron processor, two gigabytes of RAM– there’s no way it’ll cost anywhere close to the iMac’s thirteen hundred dollar starting price.
Rico says an LG POS running Chrome, he'll pass...

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