22 December 2013


Rico says he finally found where Clublife moved, and is enjoying the guy's peculiar sense of things again:
I hate list articles and list posts. Check out the groups of links beneath any online magazine or newspaper article these days, and at least three of the five things they're promoting—both from their own site and from Around the Web—will be some form of list piece.Whether it's The Top 8 Fruits For Testicular Potency, or The 18 Hottest Female Athletes in Bikinis Who Happily Accept Unlubricated Anal Penetration, it's obvious to me that pretty much every editor in the publishing industry thinks these lists get shitloads of traffic—and that the editors who don't think this way are forced to publish this shit anyway. Either way, this nonsense doesgenerate a ton of traffic, and this is especially true of lists that include multiple famous people. Here's how this works:
A magazine puts a celebrity on its list of 12 Hottest Actresses Who Own Footlong Bluetooth-Operated Dildos. The public relations firm or agency intern who runs that celebrity's Twitter account will then tweet a link to the piece, artificially inflating the number of hits the magazine's website receives for a day or two. The more hits a site gets, the higher its Google ranking will be for certain types of analytics, and the more money the site can generate per click.
Or something like that. I'm probably not explaining it correctly, but that's basically the gist. For the discerning reader, the crux of this is that nobody at these websites gives a flying fuck about content. They only care about clicks. That's why just about everything on the Internet sucks, and it's why I hate list articles with every fiber of my being.

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