19 November 2013

UN scam for the day

Rico says that somehow they're using office@un.org as an email address, but it's the usual:
The United Nations wish to inform you that you have been approved for a lump pay out of $350,000 from the United Nations Compensation fund. Due to widespread poverty and appropriately empowering both men, women, and youths across the world to a better life, the United Nations has  in its effort  continued to ameliorate and alleviate the widespread of poverty by giving cash compensations to several  individuals.
This empowerment campaign is to enable beneficiaries to meet immediate family and financial needs by providing an enterprises that will boost their economic and consumption activities and help reduce their vulnerability and widespread poverty.The compensation is also aimed  to improve the health of their families,and/or take on new activities that  will enhance their economic standing.The United Nations has successfully assisted more than 20,000 selected people across the continent since 2010 under UN secretary general Mr Ban Ki-Moon.
You will be receiving your  $350,000 from Lloyds Bank in London under instruction from the United Nations .The payment is expected to be completed in 2 weeks.
You are  advised to  visit or  forward your contact information to the bank for processing of the fund to you.
Please fill and submit the information below by mail to the bank:
1.Your full name..
6.Telephone number.

You should address and forward your above information to:
The general Manager
Lloyds Banking Group London
No 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN
Contact Email: cashtrasfer@mail2lloyd.com
Contact Phone number: +44 7024027367
Contact Person: Mr Richard Moore
Mr Richard Moore will give you needed attention as soon as you contact the bank
Thank you and we say a big congratulations.

Martha Albright
UN Compensation Office
Rico says he ratted them out to Lloyd's, which has doubtless seen this before...

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