14 November 2013


Nate Rawlings has a Time article, based on an article in The New York Times by Michael De La Merced, about a good idea gone bad:
JP Morgan Chase canceled an online Q&A with a senior executive after being bombarded with hostile questions and jokes to its #AskJPM hashtag.
The country’s largest bank by total assets had planned the to host an online discussion with vice chairman James B. Lee Jr., who Dealbook calls the bank’s top dealmaker. But when JP Morgan’s Twitter account made a request for queries, they got far more than they bargained for:
After word got out about the cancellation, some were bummed out for practical reasons:
A spokesman for the bank emailed Dealbook with: “#Badidea! Back to the drawing board!” As of recently, it’s a bad idea that won’t go away, as jokes, questions, and criticism are still flooding into the #AskJPM hashtag on Twitter.
Rico says this is what happens when staid tries to be hip...

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