29 November 2013

Scam for the day

 From: "Ken Sherman" <kehermann1@zbavitu.net>
Subject: Letter Of Authorization

Dear beneficiary,
Good day.
I wish to notify you that the sum of  US$5 million United States Dollars
only, has been approved to you.
This  action, was the final resolution taken by IMF and United Nations
to clear up all outstanding debt by cutting all debt payments down to
US$5million only to each beneficiary.
We have so far, reconciled and have paid over 62 beneficiaries, who have
had various problems receiving their payments in the past. We have been
able to ascertain the cause of some of these delays, which was pointed
to divert of beneficiary's funds by officials of payment agencies or
Banks. Fraudulent officials and banks that unfeelingly extort money from
All these problems have been removed and most beneficiaries whose
records have been submitted to us have been paid directly by
International Certified Bank Draft.
Acknowledge receipt of this letter urgently and state in your response
to us how you want to receive this money.
I await your response.
Best Regards,
Dr.Ken Sherman.

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