18 November 2013

JFK for the day

Punditty has an AllVoices article about JFK's place in the presidential rankings:
John F. Kennedy’s time in the White House lasted less than three years, but his stature among the most recent presidents is second to none.
Americans rate John F. Kennedy as the top American president of the last sixty years, a Gallup poll released recently found. Seventy-four percent of respondents said history will remember JFK as an outstanding or above average president, the best numbers for any of the past eleven presidents, beginning with Dwight Eisenhower in 1953.
The poll surveyed 1,039 adults 18 and older living in the United States or the District of Columbia with the following question:
How do you think each of the following presidents will go down in history: as an outstanding president, above average, average, below average, or poor?
Kennedy finished thirteen points ahead of second-place president Ronald Reagan (61 percent) and 59 points ahead of last-place Richard Nixon (15 percent), JFK's opponent in the very close 1960 presidential election.
The other presidents and the percentage of respondents who thought they would be remembered as outstanding or above average are: Bill Clinton (55); Dwight Eisenhower (49); Barack Obama (28); George H.W. Bush (27); Jimmy Carter (23); George W. Bush (21); Lyndon Johnson (20); and Gerald Ford (16).
A Gallup article accompanying the poll results noted that Kennedy also enjoyed the highest favorability of any modern president while in office: “Kennedy is not only popular retrospectively, but was also popular while he was President. Kennedy's 70 percent average job approval rating for his roughly thousand days in office is the highest of any President in Gallup's history of systematically measuring job approval.”
Eisenhower finished five points behind Kennedy at 65 percent. The other nine presidents finished as follows: George H.W. Bush (61); Clinton (55); Johnson (55); Reagan (53); George W. Bush (49); Nixon (49); Obama (49); Ford (47); and Carter (46).
Interestingly, JFK’s approval rating of 58 percent for his last two months in office were lower than at any other time during his Presidency.
The poll also asked which presidents would be remembered as average or below average, with Ford’s 56 percent leading the average category and Nixon’s 52 percent leading the below average/poor category.
Rico says he's not sure why the guy ranks so high, but mostly because we've had a long series of underwhelming Presidents (though the jury's still out on Obama)...

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