16 November 2013

Ancient history for the day

Rico says that some things just float up out of the mists of time, and this was a recent one:
Back in the 1960s, Rico was interested in film-making (long before amateur video, except for the huge Ampex tape-based machines that Rico's mother used when she worked at the Palo Alto School District), and took a course in it at the Mid-Peninsula Free University (long gone now), run by a nice aging hippie named Cully. In the class was a gypsy-looking and -dressed woman (hey, it was the Sixties) named Relly (then about thirty years old, but hot). Following the class, on a subsequent evening Rico got himself invited over to her house to talk about it. While he couldn't, as planned, spend the night (because Rico's mother was distraught about her 'baby boy', who was seventeen at the time, being out all night), he did have several bouts (like Rico said, he was seventeen) of very hot sex with her, before reluctantly driving home...

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