22 October 2013

More gubs for the day

Rico says that it comes as no surprise that the US has the most gubs-per-capita (and thus is the Land of the Free), but Wikipedia has a list of everyone:
Country            Guns per hundred residents (as of 2007)
 Afghanistan 4.6
 Albania         8.6  Algeria 7.6
 Angola 17.3
 Argentina 10.2
 Armenia 12.5
 Australia 15
 Austria 30.4
 Azerbaijan 3.5
 Bahamas 5.3
 Bahrain 24.8
 Bangladesh .5
 Barbados 7.8
 Belarus 7.3
 Belgium 17.2
 Belize 10
 Benin 1.4
 Bhutan 3.5
 Bolivia 2.8
 Bosnia & Herzegovina 17.3
 Botswana 4.9
 Brazil 8
 Brunei 1.4
 Bulgaria 6.2
 Burkina Faso 1.1
 Burma 4
 Burundi 1.2
 Cambodia 4.3
 Cameroon 2.8
 Canada 30.8
 Cape Verde 5.4
 Central African Republic 1
 Chad 1.1
 Chile 10.7
 China 4.9
 Colombia 5.9
 Comoros 1.8
 Congo 2.7
 Costa Rica 9.9
 Croatia 21.7
 Cuba 4.8
 Cyprus 36.1
 Czech Republic 16.3
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 1.4
 Denmark 12
 Djibouti 2.8
 Dominican Republic 5.1
 Ecuador 1.3
 Egypt 3.5
 El Salvador 5.8
 England and Wales 6.2
 Equatorial Guinea 19.9
 Eritrea .5
 Estonia 9.2
 Ethiopia .4
 Fiji .5
 Finland 45.3
 France 31.2
 Gabon 14
 Gambia .8
 Georgia 7.3
 Germany 30.3
 Ghana .4
 Greece 22.5
 Guatemala 13.1
 Guinea 1.2
 Guinea-Bissau 1.6
 Guyana 14.6
 Haiti .6
 Honduras 6.2
 Hungary 5.5
 Iceland 30.3
 India 4.2
 Indonesia .5
 Iran 7.3
 Iraq 34.2
 Ireland 8.6
 Israel 7.3
 Italy 11.9
 Ivory Coast 2.4
 Jamaica 8.1
 Japan .6
 Jordan 11.5
 Kazakhstan 1.3
 Kenya 6.4
 Kuwait 24.8
 Kyrgyzstan .9
 Laos      1.2
 Latvia 19
 Lebanon 21
 Lesotho 2.7
 Liberia 1.6
 Libya 15.5
 Lithuania .7
 Luxembourg 15.3
 Madagascar .8
 Malawi .7
 Malaysia 1.5
 Maldives 6.5
 Mali      1.1
 Malta 11.9
 Mauritania 1.6
 Mauritius 14.7
 Mexico 15
 Moldova 7.1
 Mongolia 1.9
 Montenegro 23.1
 Morocco 5
 Mozambique 5.1
 Namibia 12.6
 Nepal .8
 Netherlands 3.9
 New Zealand 22.6
 Nicaragua      7.7
 Niger .7
 Nigeria 1.5
 North Korea .6
 Northern Ireland 21.9
 Norway 31.3
 Oman 25.5
 Pakistan 11.6
 Palestine 3.4
 Panama 21.7
 Papua New Guinea 1.2
 Paraguay 17
 Peru      18.8
 Philippines 4.7
 Poland 1.3
 Portugal 8.5
 Qatar 19.2
 Republic of Macedonia 24.1
 Romania .7
 Russia 8.9
 Rwanda .6
 Saudi Arabia 35
 Scotland 5.5
 Senegal 2
 Serbia 58.2
 Seychelles  5.4
 Sierra Leone .6
 Singapore      .5
 Slovakia 8.3
 Slovenia 13.5
 Solomon Islands .4
 Somalia 9.1
 South Africa 12.7
 South Korea 1.1
 Spain 10.4
 Sri Lanka       1.5
 Sudan 5.5
 Suriname 13.4
 Swaziland       6.4
 Sweden 31.6
  Switzerland 45.7
 Syria 3.9
 Taiwan 4.6
 Tajikistan      1
 Tanzania 1.4
 Thailand 15.6
 Timor .3
 Togo 1
 Transnistria 9.1
 Trinidad and Tobago 1.6
 Tunisia .1
 Turkey 12.5
 Turkmenistan 3.8
 Uganda 1.4
 Ukraine 6.6
 United Arab Emirates 22.1
 United States 94.3
 Uruguay 31.8
 Uzbekistan 1.5
 Venezuela      10.7
 Vietnam 1.7
 Yemen 54.8
 Zambia 8.9
 Zimbabwe 4.6

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