26 October 2013

Idiot for the day

Frank Kummer has an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about a guy in trouble:
Philadelphia police have questioned the driver of a convertible BMW that drove down the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art recently in an incident captured on video and widely circulated on the Internet.
The District Attorney's Office had approved a felony charge of criminal mischief against the driver because the car caused about $8,000 in damage to the steps, said Tasha Jamerson, a spokeswoman for that office.
However, Central Detectives declined to press charges for now and the car will be tested to see if it could have had any mechanical problems at the time that caused the incident, said Officer Jillian Russell, a police department spokeswoman.
Emin Faki, 20, turned himself, telling police his brakes and transmission were giving him trouble, police said. He said he lost control of the car while at the top of the steps and began drifting sideways.
Rico says that, even if you believe the guy's story (which Rico doesn't), how did his car get to the top of the steps? This was also in the article:
A BMW was taped driving down the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art late Thursday. There were at least five other cars at the top of the steps. Eight people were on the steps cheering the driver.
Rico says, yeah, five other cars and eight people in the cheering section; no way that was an accident...

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