14 October 2013

Giffords tours a gub show

Noah Rayman has a Time article about an unlikely occurrence:
Former Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords recently made her first visit to a gun show since surviving a 2011 shooting.
A smiling Giffords, who has became a leading gun-control advocate since the shooting, toured the Saratoga Springs Arms Fair in New York, surrounded by rifles, knives, and Don’t Tread On Me flags. She chatted with sellers alongside her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, who bought a book on Colt revolvers, and said he would have bought a gun if he had more time, The Associated Press reports.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who joined the couple, used the opportunity to highlight a voluntary agreement to monitor gun sales at the show. The state has also boosted gun controls with a recent ban on military-grade weapons in the wake of last year’s massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in neighboring Connecticut.
Rico says some things you don't expect, but Mark Kelly should be made an honorary Life member of the NRA...

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