28 October 2013

Ah, the fookin' Scots

Robin Edds has a BuzzFeed article of The 23 Most Wonderfully Scottish Things That Have Ever Happened:
1. This note, found on the streets of Edinburgh:
2. This sensible approach to wine (with which Rico’s ladyfriend agrees):
3. This Glasgow art critic:
4. These pearls of Scottish wisdom:
5. This good news story:
6. The Highlands’ biggest problem:
7. This incredible shop-name war:
8. This sign, found in the toilet of a Scottish pub:
9. This person, using science to find out if Donald Trump wears a wig:
10. This Advent calendar:
11. Edinburgh’s best bench:
12. This excellent patriotic pun:
13. Phonetic road signs:
14. This supermarket layout (a favorite of Rico’s ladyfriend):
15. Climbing one and a half hours up Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh to find this at the top:
16. This appeal (using the proper past-tense verb, too):
17. This worrying request from an Aberdeen pub:
18. This curtailer of unacceptable behavior:
19. This questionable foodstuff:
20. This friendly bus:
21. And this drunken one:
22. This birthday cake (which Rico will have to create for the ladyfriend's next birthday):
23. And, finally, this guy:

Rico says that, with a half-Scottish stepmother, he can relate...

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